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Shifting From Heating To Cooling

The days are getting longer, the temperatures are getting warmer and spring is well on its way. While the hot and humid days of summer may seem far away it won’t be long before the shift from heating to air conditioning begins. Many warmer states such as Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California have already started switching over to air conditioning as the cool days of winter are now behind them. With this in mind, there are several things you should consider to make sure your HVAC systems are ready for the warmer months ahead. 


Schedule A Preventative Maintenance Appointment 

One of the most important things you can have performed to keep your HVAC systems running smoothly with warmer temperatures is preventative maintenance. Having preventative maintenance services performed will help you increase your energy savings allowing you to use less energy and spend less on operational costs. This also ensures that you won’t have to replace parts throughout the season that are not only costly but are also inconvenient to fix. Having preventative maintenance performed now will help you avoid the summer rush when air conditioning repair is in high demand. Let’s be honest, nobody wants to have to wait for air conditioning, especially when it’s hot outside. When these services are performed in the spring you will have ease of mind knowing that your air conditioning will be working properly and blowing refreshing cold air even in the hottest temperatures. 


Make Any Necessary Replacements

To plan effectively for maximum comfort in the warmer months ahead, you may need to replace parts or equipment. Having equipment replaced during the offseason will allow you to have comfort during the summer and not have to wait during the busy maintenance times. With CMS/Nextech, you can be assured that when our technicians perform equipment and systems replacement that your HVAC systems will be operating at full performance as well as be properly installed the first time. Replacing your parts or HVAC system will provide more energy efficiency as well as smoother overall operation with less chance of parts breakage when you need HVAC the most.


Have Your Coils & Lines Cleaned

One of the tasks that are most overlooked in preparing your HVAC system is having your coils and lines cleaned. It is recommended to have your evaporator coil, condenser coil, and drain line cleaned annually to prevent debris build-up. If debris forms on these components the system can’t operate properly and can contaminate your air. When these components are cleaned your system will operate much more efficiently and safely compared to a system that hasn’t been cleaned. In today’s climate, indoor air quality has never been more important and shouldn’t be overlooked especially during a national pandemic.


With the warm temperatures coming quickly, now is the time to make sure your HVAC systems are operating at peak efficiency. Our highly trained technicians at CMS/Netxech can help you with all of these tasks and can ensure optimal performance for all your HVAC systems nationwide this summer. Give us a call at (800)-382-3150 to help keep you and your customers cool and comfortable even on the hottest days.