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How Can I Improve My Indoor Air Quality?

As businesses return to normal operation after the pandemic, you may wonder how you can improve your indoor air quality. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, indoor air quality has never been more important. Clean indoor air and proper ventilation prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and particles such as dust, dander, viruses. Here are some things that you and your HVAC company can do to improve your indoor air quality.


What You Can Do

  • Use Natural Ventilation

-Open a window occasionally to help freshen your indoor air and prevent it from becoming stagnant

  • Keep Your Building & Carpets Clean

-Vacuum and dust once a week to prevent the buildup of bacteria and particles that build up on carpets and surfaces.

  • Use Indoor Plants

-Indoor plants help remove contaminants from your air and can serve as a natural air filter

  • Control Your Indoor Humidity Levels

-Using a humidifier or dehumidifier can help circulate your air and prevent air from getting stagnant.


What Your HVAC Company Can Do

  • Schedule Quarterly Preventative Maintenance Services

-Preventative Maintenance ensures that your HVAC system is in optimal working order while keeping your air properly moving, filtered, and circulated.

  • Assess Your Ventilation System

-Improperly installed or poorly ventilated systems can cause dirt and debris buildup as well as improperly circulate your air.

  • Assess Your HVAC Systems

-HVAC systems over 15 years old may not be properly functioning allowing dirt and debris to build up and blow throughout your system and building.

  • Install Bipolar Ionization Technology

-Bipolar Ionization Technology splits and deactivates harmful contaminants in your air which leads to better air quality.


If you’re looking for an HVAC company to help you keep your indoor air clean and refreshing, you can count on CMS Nextech. From preventative maintenance to capital replacement, we are here for all your commercial HVAC/R needs 24/7 to make sure that you always have great indoor air quality. Give us a call at (800)-382-3150 to learn more.