Saving energy isn’t all about saving the polar bears, and your grandkids too. It’s also about saving your own hard earned money.
One of the things that people tend to forget about when they’re being more energy efficient is that it’s saving them money in the long run. You already know that your ‘A’ rated appliances are using less energy, which is good for the environment, but it’s also good for your wallet too.
Savings can be made in small and large ways. If you have a bit of spare cash you can give your house a total energy efficient make over by upgrading your doors and windows, insulating your attic and cavity walls and by upgrading your old boiler.
Alternatively, you can make big savings with small actions, such as doing a 30C wash instead of a 60C, unplugging the TV at night or by using the small ring on the hob instead of the larger one.
Okay, so you won’t have enough money saved up for a Bugatti Veyron by the end of week one, but the small weekly savings do add up over the course of a few months or even a year, but eventually your energy efficient upgrades will pay for themselves.
Source:; December 6, 2011.