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Importance of Seasonal Check-Ups

Seasonal check-ups could prevent spending hundreds on HVAC repairs.

When the temperatures dip, many people turn on their heat for the first time and that could mean finding costly problems if your HVAC system hasn’t had a basic seasonal check-up.

According to  Lawrence Berkley National Laboratories the average U.S. family spends $2200 a year on utilities. Most of that money is spent on heating and cooling.

Add in the fact that the average heating unit repair can cost between $200 and $500 and a broken furnace will not only leave your house cold, but put a chill on your wallet.

Melissa Davis, of Winston–Salem, NC, plans to turn on her heat Monday night, but first she’s getting a check-up, “to be sure we don’t end up with a cold snap like this and don’t have heat.”

Davis is one of many Winston–Salem locals who do routine checkups but if more did them, they wouldn’t be swamped with repair calls today.

The average check-up checks compressors, contacts, the thermostat, freon levels and fan blades. It normally cost less than $100.

Source:; Brent Campbell; October 8, 2012.