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Riding the Storm Out

Back in 1973, a rock band by the name of REO Speedwagon released its third album, entitled “Riding the Storm Out,” and it became a huge hit. Earlier this month, as the 70 mph winds from super storm Sandy galed outside, shaking the house, this song, “Riding the Storm Out,” began to roll around in my head:

Riding the storm out

Waiting for the fallout

On a full moon night in the

Rocky Mountain winter.

Well the aforementioned season isn’t quite here yet, but riding out the blasting winds certainly felt the same. Plus it’s a pretty catchy tune.

During those few lucid moments when our satellite was able to grab digital pixels, the Weather Channel, highlighted how Hurricane Sandy was wreaking havoc across the East Coast and throughout the Midwest. That’s when it dawned on me that the fallout from the storm will impact air travel, health and safety, and the construction industry for some time to come.

It’s a dangerous time. It’s also a time when people are reaching out to each other for help. It’s a time when contractors in this industry need to work with their customers to make sure their mechanical systems are safe to use.

Many parts of the country, not just the East Coast, have suffered severe flooding from the storms. Any residential or commercial HVAC equipment that’s been submerged in water is NOT safe to use. This is an opportunity for the HVAC industry to rise above the flotsam and set the stage to re-establish comfort and productivity in their individual marketplaces.

It’s a time to be on the look out for price gougers and scam artists, and to set ourselves up as experts intent on helping in the recovery after a severe storm, such as this.

Believe it or not, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also has a website with information for commercial building owners and managers as to what they should do to remediate flood-damaged HVAC systems. Read it here.

The city of Charlotte prepared an interesting web page to explain how flooding damages equipment and what people should do to correct the situation here. Even though this and some of the other pages may be a few years old, the information in them is still pertinent everywhere.

The point is, now that we’ve ridden out the sound and the fury of this storm, this industry has another opportunity to shine. The last thing we need is for the headlines to focus only on rip-off artists who take advantage of homeowners and building managers in a time when they need help.

There will be other storms. By setting the stage for excellence, we become a trusted resource, not a negative headline. From where I sit, that’s good for everyone.

Source:; Michael Weil; November 9, 2012.