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11th REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2013

REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2013CLIMA 2013, June 16 – 19, Prague, Czech Republic. Endorsed by ASHRAE. Contact 420 284 001 444, fax 420 284 001 448,, or

The theme of the 11th REHVA World Congress is Energy Efficient, Smart and Healthy Buildings.

The CLIMA congress has met every three years since 1979. This congress will held at the Prague Congress Centre (PCC) which is ideally located near the city centre with a panoramic view of Prague Castle. It is easily accessible by both public and private transport.

Sessions covering a broad range of topics are planned:

  • energy efficient heating, cooling and ventilating of buildings;
  • renewable and high-efficient energy sources;
  • commissioning and facility management;
  • technologies for intelligent buildings;
  • advanced HVAC systems for buildings;
  • quality of indoor environment;
  • integrated building design;
  • HVAC best practice examples;
  • HVAC in historical buildings;
  • building certification schemes;
  • directive on energy performance of buildings implementation;
  • zero energy buildings; and many more …
