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Save Money And Preserve Your HVAC System with a Preventive Maintenance Agreement

Save Money And Preserve Your HVAC System with a Preventive Maintenance AgreementThough the temperatures are continuing to climb across the country, it’s never too early to plan ahead for the next season, Autumn.

Preventive maintenance agreements (PMAs) are agreements between you and your quality contractor for scheduled inspections and maintenance of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system.

Your HVAC system is likely to be the largest and most expensive appliance in your corporate space. Don’t waste your investment by not properly caring for it. CMS Mechanical offers a preventative maintenance agreements; the purpose of such plan is not to try and find things wrong with your system, but to ensure that proper maintenance is being performed. By properly maintaining the equipment, you can prolong the life of your system and even ensure the system’s efficiency.

Contact us today to schedule your annual system checkup! While it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment in the Spring or Fall, ahead of peak seasons for running HVAC systems. Summers and Winters also are peak times for HVAC contractors to work, and their schedules fill fast.

The following is a thorough list for an HVAC system checkup:

  • Check thermostat settings.
  • Review electrical connections and measure voltage and current on motors.
  • Lubricate all moving parts.
  • Check and clean the drain.
  • Make sure the system starts and shuts off properly.
  • Clean air conditioning coils.
  • Check and refresh refrigerant levels.
  • Clean blower parts.
  • Check all gas (or oil) connections.
  • Clean or change air filters.

[button link=”” color=”orange” window=”yes”]Contact us today to learn more about our PMAs, and what you need to do to ensure your system is prepared for cooler weather.[/button]

Source:; 2014.