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CMS Nextech Team Worked Together Before and After Hurricane Irma in Preparations, Restorations

CMS Nextech Team Worked Together Before and After Hurricane Irma in Preparations, RestorationsThe last few weeks have been a true testament to how the CMS Nextech Team works together during the toughest of times. With only a few days’ notice of the upcoming danger of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, anxiety was at its’ peak. There was limited time to set a plan in place for ensuring the safety of our families while providing service to our customers.

“As our corporate office staff left the Melbourne office, our remote offices stepped up to help take care of our customers and technicians. We want to thank you all and let you know we are appreciative of all your efforts to help out. It is great to know all hands are on deck during such a stressful time.”
— Florida Operations Manager

CMS Nextech wants to extend special thanks to all of the dedicated technicians that left their own home to head out to our customer’s just hours after the storm passed.

Because of the nature of our industry, we are often times the first ones to be called to get businesses up and running. Through this, we saw a shared purpose and understanding of what it means to respond to customers who are in need after a disastrous storm. This is a responsibility that we take very seriously and an opportunity for us to go above and beyond the call of duty.

We have heard from numerous customers who are thankful for our team and the technicians who have done all they can to help them. Most of us compare our technicians to superheroes, coming to our rescue during the worst of times, and turning circumstances around within just a few hours. To our technicians, we are especially grateful.

“We had a lot of people from CMS Nextech go above and beyond in helping keep the company operational during and after the storm. A big thanks to the technicians in the storm’s path. They put their own cleanup on hold to help get our customers back up and operational.”
— VP of CMS Mechanical Southeast Operations