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How EMS (Energy Management Systems) Are Revolutionizing Facility Management

Facility operations comprise one of the largest operational costs, accounting for up to 40% of total operational expenses. Between facility systems such as lighting, heating, and air conditioning, expenses can easily add up if you’re not careful. For facility managers, one of the most important aspects of running operations is cost-effectiveness. With cost-effectiveness, there are many factors to consider and regulate within the daily operations of a facility such as temperature, air quality, humidity, lighting, security, and air pressure. Manually controlling these functions can be very difficult, especially when dealing with multiple locations and different control systems. 

Luckily, this is no longer an issue if you have an energy management system (EMS) installed by CMS/Nextech. Our EMS enables a single interface to control facility components and create an energy-efficient operating schedule for your equipment directly from a phone or laptop. This central management leads to decreased energy usage and cost while increasing security and optimizing equipment performance.



One of the biggest advantages of EMS is the security measures it uses to protect operational systems. While standard control equipment such as thermostats and lighting timers can be adjusted manually by anyone, our EMS solutions with enterprise-level security give you the option of only letting selected individuals have access to these functions. This allows for more security and less tampering with controls, which can cost you money or harm your equipment if operated incorrectly by unauthorized individuals.  Ideally, this can be very beneficial for industries such as data or technology centers that use equipment sensitive to light, humidity, or temperature.


Stress-Free Controls

Another advantage that CMS/Nextech EMS has over local manual control is that it can control all locations at the same time instead of doing it manually one by one. Different locations will have different systems as not every building has the same equipment and requirements. Newer systems will feature advanced technologies while older systems will utilize technology that is not widely supported anymore. Because of this, the one size fits all model can’t always be utilized and requires an individualized plan best fit for each of your locations. Not only is this very time consuming, stressful, and labor-intensive, but it can also be very easy to allow locations to become disorganized. With EMS you have complete control over all locations in one place, which can save a lot of time with planning and maintenance.


Decreasing Energy & Maintenance Costs

Energy savings can quickly add up when a proper energy management plan and schedule is in place. CMS/Nextech EMS lets you control the settings of your systems allowing you to create the most energy-efficient schedule for your operational needs. Another big advantage of this is overall operational costs will be lowered from peak efficiency and optimal operation times. Maintenance and parts breakage can be very expensive, especially if unexpected. By not having to run constantly, your equipment will last longer and minimize maintenance and breakdown costs.


Efficiency & Peak Performance

CMS/Nextech EMS technology ensures that your systems are always operating at peak performance. Many EMS systems assist with troubleshooting to keep equipment running efficiently. By troubleshooting, the system can monitor equipment status continuously and send alarms via email, giving you information about why equipment is not working or not performing optimally. For emergency situations, EMS solutions can be designed with redundancy programs and hardware to take over if the system fails. Multiple controls and backup systems are used to ensure that critical equipment is never completely down. With these backup options, you can expect max efficiency and peak performance at all times.


CMS/Nextech EMS solutions enable you to manage and operate your facility smarter, safer, securely, more efficiently, and at peak performance levels all in one place. To learn more about this innovative technology and how it can benefit your business and locations, call us at 800-352-3150.