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A Look Inside The Upcoming ASHRAE High Performance Buildings Conference

PrintFrom changing occupant energy use to exploring radical innovations in buildings, the third ASHRAE High Performance Buildings Conference highlights innovation, proven methods for improving building operation resulting in deep energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality, measured performance and HPB case studies demonstrating new technologies.

“The conference aims to help decision makers in the building community learn about the benefits of innovative technologies and energy-efficient design and operation,” Kent Peterson, Conference chair, said. “Through a comprehensive range of sessions, the Conference will provide the total building community with design and operational guidance to improve building performance.”

In addition, the conference features several invited speakers and keynote speakers.  These include:

  • Peter Rumsey, Rumsey Engineers, Inc., presents “The process of Radical Innovation in Buildings”
  • Jerry Yudelson, author of The World’s Greenest Buildings: Promise vs. Performance in Sustainable Design, leads an interactive session on “design with the end in mind”
  • Bry Sarte, Sherwood Design Engineers, presents “Water Efficiency Strategies”

Sessions include:

  • Measuring Up Building Performance
  • Benchmarking and Retrocommissioning: Driving Existing Building Performance
  • HPB Case Studies and Lessons Learned
  • Market Valuation for Green
  • The Next “Greenest” Building: An Interactive Session
  • Operating for High Performance
  • Beyond the Energy Model: From Precision Control to Connect Communities

For the complete technical program including the schedule, presentations and speakers, click here.

Source:; 2013.