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ASHRAE Releases Newly Published Energy Efficiency Standard

ASHRAE Releases Newly Published Energy-efficiency StandardThe 2016 version is the 10th edition published since the original standard was introduced in 1975.

Numerous energy savings measures resulting from industry input are contained in the newly published energy-efficiency standard from ASHRAE and IES. ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016, “Energy Efficiency Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings,” contains 125 addenda published since the 2013 standard. The 2013 standard currently serves as the commercial building reference standard for state building energy codes. This 2016 version is the 10th edition published since the original standard was introduced in 1975 during the energy crisis of the U.S.

“It’s the overall goal of each version to create a consensus standard that saves energy and is technically feasible and cost-effective,” said Drake Erbe, chair of the Standard 90.1 committee. “In addition, as a result of a strategic initiative that began in the 2013 cycle, the 2016 version has a new format that we believe will be easier for users, a new way of incorporation of reference material from other standards starting with climate data, and a performance path for compliance that rewards designs for achieving energy cost levels above the standard minimum.”

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