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Commercial HVAC Needs During The Winter Season

For many states around the country, wintertime means colder temperatures and in some cases snowy and icy conditions. Because of these changing weather patterns, most states shift from air conditioning to heating from October to April. Even the southernmost states such as Texas, Louisiana, and Florida rely upon heating during the wintertime. Without proper heating during the winter months not only will your building be uncomfortably cold and dangerous for your employees and customers, but it can also lead to building damage internally. Here are some things you should be aware of with your HVAC system for the winter months.


One of the most important tasks that your heating system performs during the winter months is regulating the temperature within your building. When temperatures get colder, your heating system has to work harder to maintain that cozy 69 to 72-degree ideal indoor temperature. For example, a heating unit in Cleveland where the temperature is 25 degrees will have to work much harder than a heating unit in Charlotte where the temperature is 55 degrees. Because of the added strain to regulate this temperature, it is important to make sure that your heating system is in optimal working condition. Not only will a working heating system perform better, but it will also save you money in heating and energy bills. You will also have less wear on the internal components of the heating system from it not having to work as hard to maintain the desired temperature.


HVAC units are built to withstand some snow and ice, but too much will cause damage to your system as they need room to breathe and properly operate. It is important to make sure that there is little to no snow or ice buildup on your unit and to have a technician check on your unit after a large storm to assess or inspect any possible damage. If your unit is located on the ground make sure that your unit’s location isn’t directly under the gutter or roof overhang. It’s not uncommon for icicles to build up and to fall on the unit below causing severe damage to the unit.


If your HVAC system has not been maintained year-round, there is a good chance that you will have a poorly running system or could see components break when you need it most. To avoid this, we recommend having preventative maintenance performed quarterly so that your system is prepared for each month’s climate. Winter is also a great time to get your broken HVAC system repaired. Most HVAC repairs are made during the summer which leaves winter as the slower season for HVAC repairs. Now is also the time to make sure that running your air conditioning all spring, summer and fall didn’t damage or wear out any of your HVAC system components. Fixing a worn-out part or addressing a problem is much less expensive than a full system repair or replacement. Preventative maintenance also gives you the ease of mind in knowing that your HVAC system is in optimal working condition. 


Taking the proper precautions and having preventative maintenance performed with your commercial HVAC system will allow it to run smoothly even in the coldest temperatures and harshest conditions. Call us at (800) 382-3150 to see how we can keep your HVAC system in tip-top shape this winter.