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Considering a PMA This Autumn? Call CMS Mechanical Today!

PMAPreventive maintenance agreements (PMAs) are agreements between you and your quality contractor for scheduled inspections and maintenance of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system.

You wouldn’t continue driving your car long without having the oil changed, so why would you continue running your heating and cooling system without maintenance?

Your HVAC system is likely to be the largest and most expensive appliance in your corporate space. Don’t waste your investment by not properly caring for it.

You don’t normally stop with just an oil change. A vehicle manufacturer normally lists necessary maintenance items in order to keep your car running properly. Some of these items are even required in order to ensure the manufacturer’s warranty. The same is true with your HVAC system. Simply changing the filters every month is not enough. Most HVAC manufacturers list a dozen or so items to check and replace on a regular basis.

Just like with our cars, though, many of us wouldn’t know where to start.

That is why some HVAC companies offer a preventative maintenance agreement or annual safety and performance inspection. The purpose of such plans is not to try and find things wrong with your system, but to ensure that proper maintenance is being performed. A professional HVAC company should only make recommendations depending on the age and condition of your system. By properly maintaining the equipment, you can prolong the life of your system and even ensure the system’s efficiency.

Efficiency is important when talking about HVAC equipment.  A system’s efficiency is often measured by SEER, or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. A system’s SEER is similar to your car’s MPG, or miles per gallon. The higher the SEER rating means the higher the system’s efficiency. The higher the efficiency means the longer the system can run on less electricity. It is normal for a system to lose efficiency as it ages, but with proper maintenance, we can slow this effect.

When considering a preventative maintenance agreement, it is normally best to purchase some sort of annual plan. You schedule your car’s oil changes based on how many miles you drive. You want a preventative maintenance agreement plan that is scheduled based on time or usage also.

[button link=”” color=”orange” window=”yes”]Contact us today to learn more about our PMAs, and what you need to do to ensure your system is prepared for cooler weather.[/button]

Source:; Mindy Honey; September 3, 2013.