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HMA Offers a Unified Voice for HVACR Manufacturers

Here at CMS Mechanical, we understand the importance of pooling our collective knowledge as HVACR Manufacturers, to utilize a variety of skills from different perspectives, and to give our technicians the support they need to do their best on the job. In this blog article, we are excited to announce the formation of the HVACR Manufacturers Accociation (HMA), in fostering an environment of innovation and technology for all in the HVACR industry. 

The HVACR Manufacturers Association (HMA) is an international trade association that was launched in 2019 to address the needs and interests of that specific segment of the HVAC industry. HMA will promote best practices, address common challenges, keep a watchful eye on market trends, and pool the collective know-how and resources of its member companies by focusing on transportation, supply chain, labor, and manufacturing excellence.

By working more closely together, HMA members will seek to improve the overall HVACR industry.

“Until now, there hasn’t been an organization exclusively for manufacturers of HVACR equipment and supplies to meet and discuss common challenges and opportunities for improvement,” said Billy Prewitt, Marketing Manager of Hardcast and founding board member of HMA. “HMA seeks to be that forum.  Manufacturers meeting and discussing these topics will prove beneficial to the industry.”

HMA’s first priority is to engage manufacturers and start the conversation.

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