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HVAC/R For The Summer Season

The summer season is finally here! While you may be thinking of warm days on the beach, our technicians are thinking about the greater need for HVAC and keeping our customers cool and comfortable throughout the summer. With hotter temperatures around the country, there is a greater need for HVAC to keep commercial businesses running smoothly. Here are some things you can do for your HVAC/R equipment to keep your commercial business running smoothly throughout the heat of summer.


Assess Your Equipment

When was the last time you checked your HVAC/R equipment? If it hasn’t been within the last 6 months you are due for a maintenance appointment. A maintenance appointment will ensure that nothing is wrong with your equipment as well as keep it in working order for the summer season. It is also important to check the age of your equipment. If your equipment is over 15 years old you may need to replace your equipment. While replacing equipment can be costly upfront, it pays off in the long term with energy savings, safety, and fewer repairs.


Schedule A Preventative Maintenance Appointment 

One of the most important things you can have performed to keep your HVAC systems running smoothly with warmer temperatures is preventative maintenance. Having preventative maintenance services performed will help you increase your energy savings allowing you to use less energy and spend less on operational costs. This also ensures that you won’t have to replace parts throughout the season that are not only costly but are also inconvenient to fix. Having preventative maintenance performed now will help you avoid the summer rush when air conditioning repair is in high demand.


Make Any Necessary Replacements

To plan effectively for maximum comfort in the warmer months ahead, you may need to replace parts or equipment. With CMS Nextech, you can be assured that when our technicians perform equipment and systems replacement that your HVAC systems will be operating at full performance as well as be properly installed the first time. Replacing your parts or HVAC system will provide more energy efficiency as well as smoother overall operation with less chance of parts breakage when you need HVAC the most.


To ensure that your commercial HVAC/R systems will provide smooth operation this summer give us a call! (800)-382-3150