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Improve Your Building’s HVAC Efficiency To Save Money

Improve Your Building's HVAC Efficiency To Save MoneyImproving your building’s HVAC efficiency saves money, pays for improvements, and strengthens your bottom line.

By making improvements to building systems and infrastructure, you can make your buildings work more efficiently – which means saving money and reducing emissions. A focus on operational efficiencies can include ongoing management of energy and water consumption, upgrading inefficient building systems and improving workspace utilization. Or, start with simple solutions that have a big impact.

Here are several examples of solutions you can implement to make your building work:

  • By replacing old windows with windows that let light in but keep heat out, you can illuminate and cool building interiors more efficiently.
  • By upgrading or replacing old, inefficient HVAC equipment, you can reduce energy consumption.
  • By deploying state-of-the-art surveillance systems and access control security systems, you will be better able to safeguard employees and visitors as well as valuable building assets. As an added operational efficiency benefit, these surveillance systems enable individual security staffers to monitor more areas, freeing coworkers for other security tasks.
  • Utilize Facili Trac! CMS Nextech provides each customer with Facili-Trac, an internet based software program exclusively designed by the CMS development team. This program was designed to assist facility managers in tracking their HVACR expenditures and making accurate, reliable capital planning decisions.
  • With reliable power and precise climate control in place, sensitive facilities such as data centers and research labs stay up and running and avoid downtime that could jeopardize critical projects and lead to higher costs.

Improve Your Building's HVAC Efficiency To Save MoneyIn addition, by designing workplaces that use space more efficiently for the number of people actually working there, you have another opportunity to improve operational efficiency. And when your workplaces are more efficient, so are your workers. Studies show that cleaner, greener, more comfortable workplaces boost productivity and reduce absenteeism.
