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Optimize Your HVAC System During Winter Storms

With the snowstorm currently spreading across the greater southeast, it’s integral to remember to maintain and optimize your HVACR system settings, especially cases in which your facility may remain unoccupied for winter weather closures. Our CLIENT control system is the key to achieving such.

The CLIENT control system is a fully integrated smart system designed specifically to control the interior climate and lighting of your multi-site operation. CLIENT allows you to maintain optimum comfort while providing maximum energy efficiency at each of your locations. CLIENT’s IT designed infrastructure, software and web capabilities make it the most innovative multi-site management system available. CLIENT coordinates and organizes information logically to deliver and provide control where and when you need it.

CLIENT has the interface capability to utilize internet weather services to adjust for sunrise, sunset, cloud cover and exterior temperature. As these variables change, the CLIENT smart system adjusts for maximum efficiency while maintaining your target interior settings.

CMS Nextech offers a wide array of facilities monitoring services. These services can be customized to fit any budget and can be done in house or by the customer through the internet. Our 24 hour monitoring team is on the front line to provide: help desk support for stores and technicians, emergency call coverage, alarm management and response, scheduling changes and technician dispatch. CMS Nextech can custom tailor a monitoring solution for customers who may or may not have in-house capabilities.

In the case of a hazardous winter storm, such as the southeast is currently experiencing, follow the tips below to optimize your HVACR system settings, and save!

  1. 1. Block window and draft leaks
  2. 2. Optimize your CLIENT schedule settings to prevent overheating your facility during unoccupied hours.
  3. 3. Always have a seasonal check up to prevent any HVAC system failures or issues that may arise when you’re out of the office.