California Passes Tougher Energy Code For New Construction

The California Energy Commission on Thursday approved what it called nation-leading efficiency standards for new homes and commercial buildings. Approved by a 4-0 vote, the upgraded standards include improved windows,…

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Energy Saving Tips for Businesses During Warm Weather

The bottom line of running a successful business is to make all your dollars count. Cutting back unnecessary energy use keeps hard-earned money in your pocket. Here are many ideas,…

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HVAC Efficiency Controls Could Mean Significant Savings

According to a new report from Pacific Northwest National Lab, commercial building owners could save an average 38 percent on their heating and cooling bills just by installing a few…

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HVAC Maintenance and Energy Savings

In spite of years of studies, demonstration programs, and published stories to the contrary, most facility organizations today still operate in a reactive mode. Though facility executives know that is…

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