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Refrigerant Frequently Asked Questions

At Nextech, we have recently started receiving more questions than ever from customers curious about the changing landscape of refrigerants. Refrigerants are a crucial part of any HVAC/R (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration) system, and recent regulatory changes have caused a shift in what options are available. In this blog, we will dive into some of the most common customer questions we get as the Nation’s largest independent HVAC/R service provider.

Why Was R-22 Banned?

R-22, also known as Freon, was the refrigerant of choice for many years in HVAC/R systems. However, it was found to have significant environmental drawbacks, specifically its impact on the ozone layer. R-22 is a hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC), and when released into the atmosphere, it contributes to ozone depletion, leading to increased UV radiation reaching Earth and exacerbating global warming.

In response to the environmental dangers posed by R-22, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandated a gradual phase-out. The production of new R-22 systems stopped in 2010, and as of January 1, 2020, the production and importation of R-22 itself was banned in the United States. Although existing systems that use R-22 can still be serviced with recycled or reclaimed refrigerants, the phase-out has significantly driven up costs, making R-22 an expensive and less practical choice.

Is R-410A Still Being Produced?

R-410A is still available but is currently being phased out. The refrigerant was introduced as a replacement for R-22 because it does not harm the ozone layer. Unlike R-22, R-410A is a hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), which means it does not contain chlorine, the chemical responsible for ozone depletion.

However, while R-410A doesn’t deplete the ozone, it does have a relatively high Global Warming Potential (GWP), meaning it contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Due to increasing environmental concerns, there is a movement toward phasing out high-GWP refrigerants like R-410A as well. Though it is still being manufactured, the industry is already shifting toward more environmentally friendly alternatives and has stopped manufacturing new systems that utilize R-410A.

What’s the Best Refrigerant for Your HVAC/R System?

The “best” refrigerant depends on several factors, including the type of system you have, your environmental concerns, and the regulations in your area. For new HVAC/R installations, many industry professionals are recommending R-32 and R-454B as alternatives to R-410A. Both of these refrigerants have lower GWPs and offer better energy efficiency compared to R-410A.

R-32 is becoming popular because it has a GWP of about one-third that of R-410A and is highly energy-efficient. Similarly, R-454B is gaining traction as it offers a significant reduction in GWP, while still maintaining compatibility with many of the systems designed for R-410A.

If you have an older system that runs on R-22, it’s a good idea to consider retrofitting your system to accommodate a modern refrigerant. In some cases, retrofitting can extend the life of your system and save you money in the long term, though it’s important to consult the professionals, like our team at Nextech, to see what works best for your situation.

Final Thoughts

As refrigerants continue to evolve due to environmental regulations, staying informed about the options available for your HVAC/R system is essential. While R-22 is no longer a viable choice, R-410A will soon be replaced by more eco-friendly alternatives like R-32 and R-454B. If you’re unsure which refrigerant is best for your system, give Nextech a call at 800-382-3150 and begin future planning for your business today!