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Schedule A Fall Heating System Check-Up Today

Fall-WeatherAs the seasons change and our bodies begin to notice the change in temperature, it is a natural reminder to pay attention to our corporate HVAC systems. When summer and winter actually arrive, contractors seem to be the busiest; so, as the warmth of spring begins, have your cooling system checked and, likewise, as the chill of fall begins, make sure you get the heating system checked. It is always preferable to keep your system maintained, preventing the unnecessary expense of costly repairs. It is also better to not be caught unaware by a potential heating malfunction in the middle of winter’s coldest temperatures.

As part of your regular HVAC system maintenance, have your local HVAC professional check your thermostat settings to make sure that you are comfortable while at work, but also to ensure that you’re saving energy when the office is empty. Your HVAC contractor will tighten all electrical connections and lubricate all moving parts, inspect the drainage of condensate, and check to ensure that your system controls are safe and operating properly. With regards to your heating system, you can expect them to check all connections having to do with gas (or oil) including the burner and its combustion, as well as the heat exchanger; thus, eliminating any potential fire and health hazards while ensuring that your system is safe and efficient.

Also, if you are currently unaware of the location of the furnace filter, have your HVAC technician show you where it is and how to change it. Once your fall heating check-up is complete, the only thing you’ll have to do is change the furnace filter about once a month to maintain energy efficiency, clean air, and prevent possible system damage.

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Source:; September 12, 2013.