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The Importance Of HVAC/R Capital Replacement

There’s an old saying that “Nothing is built to last forever.” That statement couldn’t be more true with your HVAC/R systems and equipment. The standard HVAC system is built to last 15 – 20 years before breakdowns and costly repairs become inevitable. In order to minimize expenses, facilities and operations managers should assess their equipment annually and consider capital replacement. Capital replacement allows you to replace your equipment before you begin to lose money on costly repairs. It also helps you avoid safety hazards and risks that can be posed by older aging equipment. There are several ways capital replacement can benefit your facility needs, as well as your expense planning.


Utilize Your Equipment Most Effectively

While a long lifespan is always sought after with equipment, if that longer lifespan includes costly breakdowns, maintenance, and replacements, you’re much better off just replacing the equipment. Not only will new equipment perform more efficiently but you can be assured that your HVAC equipment won’t need to be replaced for another 15 – 20 years. 


Energy Efficiency & Cost Effectiveness

With new equipment, you can expect less energy to be used resulting in overall lower energy costs. Advances are continually being made to increase energy efficiency with new equipment saving you money. You can also expect new equipment to run on the most cost-effective refrigerants and gases.


Smooth Operation & Clean Indoor Air Quality

HVAC systems close to or past their lifespans tend to be much louder and need more maintenance and upkeep than a newer HVAC system. Older systems also may not be compatible with higher performance filters such as MERV 13’s or HEPA filters. Because of this, older equipment may not be able to keep the air as clean as a newer HVAC system could. Having new equipment will also ensure that your air is clean and does not have any debris buildup that an older system may have. 


To get the most usage from your HVAC system without sacrificing lifespan or running into costly repairs, we also recommend CapEx planning. CapEx planning can be beneficial in determining when it’s time to replace. If you’re not sure when the best time to replace your equipment is, our Facili-Trac technology can assist. Facili-Trac is provided to all our customers at no additional cost and can be accessed at any time from a phone, tablet, or computer. To learn more about Facili-Trac and how CapEx planning can assist you with capital replacement, give us a call at (800)-382-3150.