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The Importance of Planned HVACR Maintenance

nextech-truckThe easiest way to make sure your tenants are comfortable — and your operating bills are low — is to take a little time to make sure that your heating and cooling equipment is in good working order by having a CMS Mechanical contractor provide regular maintenance on your system.

Having a comprehensive planned maintenance program in place has many advantages beyond lessening occupant complaints. Planned maintenance is the number one way to get energy cost savings in any building. Besides reducing energy usage, regular maintenance prolongs the life of your heating and cooling equipment and can provide substantial savings through proactive repairs and replacement over reactive “breakdown” repairs.

Commercial maintenance programs are not “one size fits all.” Your building is unique and requires a tailor-made program that fits your size, system, and, most importantly, your budget. One of our professional contractors can help you create a program that fits your maintenance needs.

Even the most well-maintained HVACR equipment will need replacing someday. Replacement of aging or inefficient equipment can be pre-planned and budgeted based on life expectancy and operating cost.  Pouring money into a unit that’s already 10 years past its life expectancy doesn’t make sense … even worse is waiting a week or more for a new unit to be installed during the hottest part of the summer.

CMS Mechanical has the tools necessary to assist you with your “Capital Expense Planning.”

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Source:; 2014.