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Top HVACR Tips to Save in Summer with CMS Mechanical

Top HVACR Tips to Save in Summer with CMS MechanicalBoth Winter and Summer prove to be the most trying times for any HVACR System, as well as the most costly. Check out CMS Mechanical’s Top Tips to Save with your HVACR System in Summer, below.

1. Routine Maintenance Is Key!

Outside of simply checking and replacing your HVACR filters like clockwork, it’s important to schedule an annual HVAC tune-up to ensure prime performance from your system. If you are currently utilizing an older HVACR system, a checkup and maintenance is crucial to guaranteeing energy efficiency and optimal savings.

Preventive maintenance agreements (PMAs) are agreements between you and your quality contractor for scheduled inspections and maintenance of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system.

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2. Keep The Heat Outside!

Check your HVACR unit duct seams and connections. These are prime places for leaks to take place, and this oversight can be costly if ignored! Check your windows annually as well, specifically around the seals, to make sure cool air isn’t escaping and heat isn’t intruding. To best keep cool air indoors, make sure all windows and drapes are closed during the day, when possible, and open them at night for ventilation. On south and west facing windows, installation of exterior blinds, awnings, or even window tints will also help cut energy costs.

3. Program Your Savings!

Utilize your programmable thermostat for optimal savings during off-times at your facility, specifically at a few degrees higher than normal, in conjunction with a low-energy fan to help circulate the cool air.

4. Protect Your HVACR Units From The Sun!

Trees, shades, and awnings can all work to protect your HVACR System from the beating rays and heat of the sun. It is important, however, to clear all debris from your unit if it is surrounded by plants, to prevent damage.