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Top Tips To Prep Your HVAC System For Spring

Top Tips To Prep Your HVAC System For SpringWhile much of the country is in a weather-limbo, Spring is just around the corner! Follow the tips below to help prep your HVAC system for warmer weather.

Tip #1. Clearing Debris From Outside Units

If you have an outside HVAC unit, chances are it wasn’t looked at during the winter months, and the rain and harsher weather has taken its toll. It is important to keep all debris cleared away from the HVAC unit. Begin by clearing leaves and any tree debris that has blown down around the unit. Sweep any excess dirt from around the base of the unit. Before you do any other clearing, you will want to ensure your safety; turn off the breaker for the unit to cut power and prevent electric shock. Once the power is shut off to the unit, you can carefully use a soft bristled hand-brush to clear the dirt and debris off the sides and top of the unit. The top of the unit can be removed and all debris from the inside as well as dirt can be cleared. It is important while doing HVAC maintenance on your unit you take care not to damage the fins wrapped around the condensing unit. They allow air to flow into the condenser. Any damage can decreases efficiency or cause the unit to overheat. If you do not have experience it is recommended that you hire a professional HVAC service to come clean your unit.

Tip #2. Inspecting and Changing HVAC Air Filters

Spring is usually when the HVAC air filters are the most clogged. Dust, dirt and hair accumulates quickly in a filter when a is sealed up during cooler months. A clean air liter will lead to better air flow and a more efficient unit. By changing your air filters regularly you can reduce your utilities by 15%.

Top Tips To Prep Your HVAC System For SpringTip #3. Checking Condensation Lines and the Condensation Drain

By performing simple HVAC maintenance twice a year on your drain line, you can prevent clogs or back ups in your air conditioning condensate drain line. The normal flow form the condensate is usually not enough pressure to flush the line. So over time, sludge will form in the line. If enough of this sludge collects in one spot, it will create a clog and the water will back up into the air conditioning drain pan. When the pan is full, the water will overflow into the furnace. To prevent this type of clog you should check the lines and clean them out twice a year. A simple way to maintain your lines is to place a few drops of dish soap into the drain system. Pour up to a gallon of warm water into the drain pan. Open the tip of the T-fitting in the drain line near the air handler and slowly pour the soap and water down the drain. If your system does not have a T-fitting, you will have to remove the evaporator coil’s cover. By flushing the lines out you can prevent a clog and backed-up line. If you do not have experience doing this, it is recommended that you hire a professional HVAC service to check your lines and drain.

Spring HVAC Maintenance Summary:

While these repairs can be done by facility workers and owners with experience, it is always recommended to contact a professional. By having a professional take care of your routine HVAC maintenance, you will avoid injury and causing any damage to the unit that my be expensive to repair.

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