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What to Do Before Switching to Heat

What to Do Before Switching to Heat

Winter is fast approaching, and it will be time to switch from Air Conditioning to heating before you know it. While this seems as easy as flipping a switch on your thermostat, there are steps you can take to ensure that your system is up to the task this winter before you need to rely on it for heat. Nobody wants to be left in the cold when the snow starts falling and avoiding such a catastrophe is as easy as taking a few steps before firing up the furnace for the cold months.


Do you remember when the last time you changed your filters was? If not, it’s probably time to replace those old dirty filters with new ones to allow your system to do its job without dust and debris impeding it. Changing your filters every 2-3 months is recommended to avoid excess strain on your HVAC system and to maintain the air quality in your building. In medical facilities, you may want to change them more often to keep patients with respiratory issues from experiencing the negative effects of lower air quality.


Ensuring that your thermostat is functioning properly is a crucial step to take before switching to heat for the winter months. Switch your thermostat from cooling to heating and raise the temperature to above the current room temperature to test that everything is working. If the heat doesn’t turn on after a minute, you should consider contacting a professional to check the system.

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

When transitioning to heat it is important to consider whether your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are doing their jobs before making the switch. Furnaces present increased risks for fire and gas/oil furnaces produce carbon monoxide when burning fuel for heat. Checking your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replacing batteries can be the difference between life and death in some scenarios and should never be ignored.


Before you task your furnace with keeping your interior space cozy and warm, you should pay it a visit to ensure there is nothing that could present a potential fire hazard in its vicinity. Clear any and all objects and debris that could prevent it from doing its job efficiently or present a risk of fire. In addition to the furnace, it is also important to do the same for the vents and ducts that the heat travels through to maintain optimal efficiency through the winter season.

Check for Leaks

Having a furnace running all winter can be expensive, and even more so if the heat is escaping. Checking your space for, and addressing, potential leaks can make a huge difference in the efficiency of your system. On top of the reduction in efficiency and increased cost, more running time for your furnace increases the strain on the system and can negatively impact the lifespan of your equipment. You may want to consult a professional to address structural issues to keep the warm air inside.

Preventative Maintenance

Most of the steps on this list can be performed by anyone, but when it comes to preventative maintenance, having your system inspected by a professional is a must. Even when there is seemingly nothing wrong with your HVAC system, preventative maintenance can pinpoint and address issues that can affect the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your equipment, while simultaneously prolonging the life of your equipment. Preventative maintenance can make all the difference when it comes to uninterrupted climate control and costly repairs and replacements.


The best time to prepare for the heating season is before the heating season. Don’t wait until you need the heat to find out that something in your system isn’t functioning properly. Take the time to prepare your HVAC system for the cold weather ahead and you will be glad you did! To schedule your next preventive maintenance appointment call us today at 800-382-3150 or visit for more information.