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Why Is Preventative Maintenance Important?

A properly working HVAC/R system is essential for any building or indoor space. While entering a properly controlled indoor climate is a comfortable and welcoming experience, entering an indoor controlled climate that is performing poorly can be very unpleasant and unwelcoming. When your HVAC/R system isn’t working properly, not only will your customers, employees, and visitors suffer, but your building will suffer as well. To keep your HVAC/R systems working properly, we highly recommend preventative maintenance services be performed. 


Preventative maintenance assures optimal working conditions and conserves the life span of your HVAC/R system. By performing preventative maintenance services, we can make individual recommendations that fit your business and savings goals while contributing to asset longevity and customer comfort. Preventative maintenance also minimizes costs and repairs in the long run by keeping your equipment running properly to help avoid costly emergency repairs in the future. Our technicians are trained to identify any problems with your system that may arise or are already occurring and provide a solution. Here are some examples of why preventative maintenance services are important and will benefit your HVAC/R system and savings goals.


Improper Service & Neglect

One of the most common issues that we find when performing preventative maintenance is that a system was improperly serviced or neglected service for an extended period of time. These issues often result in rusted or corroded electrical components, leaky or flooded drain lines, dirty coils, and much more. These issues will cause your system to have to work harder resulting in more energy usage which will not only waste energy but will also result in higher operating costs. They can also cause your system to contaminate your indoor air due to dirt and grime buildup within the system. In the worst-case scenario, improper service can damage and possibly even ruin your system if not taken care of. Luckily these issues are addressed immediately with preventative maintenance to avoid further damage. Our technicians inspect and ensure that all of your system’s components work properly and address these issues to ensure working order.


Overdue Inspections

Oftentimes as a business owner, your HVAC/R system isn’t the first thing on your mind when running your business. While we recommend annual inspections and preventative maintenance services, sometimes that service doesn’t happen and your HVAC/R system suffers as a result. This can cause dirt and grime buildup throughout the system. Dirty coils and air filters are the most common issue to arise as these should be addressed annually. Dirt and debris within your system can blow throughout your building and not only cause poor air quality but can also leave contaminants in your air. Luckily, thorough cleaning and servicing will take care of these issues and improve your air quality and remove any dirt and debris buildup within the system and its components. 


Sick Building Syndrome/Poor Air Quality

While keeping energy usage and costs to a minimum is important, the overall air quality in your building is even more important. Buildings that have not had preventative maintenance services performed are at risk of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). SBS is caused by a buildup of dirt, debris, and contaminants within your system that can blow throughout your building if not taken care of. Some of the effects of SBS are foul odors, breathing issues, skin irritation, headaches, and fatigue. Luckily these harmful effects can be avoided if preventative maintenance is performed allowing anyone in your building to have a comfortable experience when indoors. 


With preventative maintenance, you can be assured that your HVAC/R system will always perform at its best while saving you energy and money in the long term.